A Rune Crossbow is better to train Range with than Magic Short, Long or composite bow.
Cooking is a minor skill which does not increase combat level; only Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic, and Range will increase your combat level. As a result of the Evolution of Combat update, Summoning, Prayer and Constitution no longer affect combat level.
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
To get your hitpoints level up in RuneScape, you must gain the appropriate amount of experience points that it says you need. That means you have to do a lot of combat related things, such as melee, magic, or range. Those skills will train your hitpoints when you use them.
Start by getting as much food as you can from the survival guide. Then you can train on giant rats at the combat guide mainly do range though. on the last guide get level 3 magic and you would have leveled up 1 time or more.
I would have to say ranged.(Actually It depends on you) It goes in a cycle range,combat and magic. Range beats magic. Magic beats combat. And combat beats range. so it's just about what you are fighting. hope this helped. God of torag
The best in order are:RangedMeleeMagic
A Rune Crossbow is better to train Range with than Magic Short, Long or composite bow.
Cooking is a minor skill which does not increase combat level; only Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic, and Range will increase your combat level. As a result of the Evolution of Combat update, Summoning, Prayer and Constitution no longer affect combat level.
It depends on the level of your attack, prayer, defence, hitpoints, magic, ranged, prayer and summoning. Download "swiftkit" to get a combat calculator. Range and Mage are not need for Max combat, but training them levels high than your melee skills will level your combat.
yes by getting up your strength def attack magic range and hitpoints .Also prayer, and summoning.
Attack , Strength , Defence , Range , Prayer, Summoning , Constitution (Hitpoints) , and Magic.
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
To get your hitpoints level up in RuneScape, you must gain the appropriate amount of experience points that it says you need. That means you have to do a lot of combat related things, such as melee, magic, or range. Those skills will train your hitpoints when you use them.
if your free to play train your attack/strength/defence/range/magic/abit of prayer if your pay to play summoning/hp/prayer/magic/range/defence/strength/attack. atm my lvls are 75 attack 67 strength 74 defence 74 range 71 prayer 99 magic 53 summoning which turned me into combat 100
You can the highest you can get any skill in Runescape is 99. And the highest combat level you can get is 138.
they have high combat level with high defence armour of magic range and melee, they use protection prayers and stand in the middle (at the fist of guthix)