To get your hitpoints level up in RuneScape, you must gain the appropriate amount of experience points that it says you need. That means you have to do a lot of combat related things, such as melee, magic, or range. Those skills will train your hitpoints when you use them.
It depends. It heals 15% of your total hitpoints, and it can go above your maximum hitpoints. It can heal up to 640 HP if you drink all four doses and have a hitpoints level of 99. :-)
The RuneScape monster TzTok-Jad's stats are: Combat Level: 702 Hitpoints: 250 Max Hit: 97
Bread heals 5 hitpoints.
You gain Hitpoints xp every time you engage in Combat. Whenever you hit someone/something, or get hit, you gain a small amount of xp, rarely more than 1 or 2, one reason why Hitpoints is a very slow skill.
to go up in combat level you need to go up levels in strength, attack, defence, hitpoints, prayer and summoning.NOTE: Magic ,range ,and and slayer do put up your combat level but it takes much higher lvls for them to affect it, no other skills do affect combat lvl.The highest combat level you can get is 138, this is when you have level 99 in all strength, attack, defence, hit points, prayer and summoning
It depends. It heals 15% of your total hitpoints, and it can go above your maximum hitpoints. It can heal up to 640 HP if you drink all four doses and have a hitpoints level of 99. :-)
The RuneScape monster TzTok-Jad's stats are: Combat Level: 702 Hitpoints: 250 Max Hit: 97
Fighting hill giants is the easiest way.
Do you mean how you heal? Or get more constitution points? To get more constitution points you must level up your hitpoints skill. You get 10 LP per level.
Your combat level is also dependant on your hitpoints, prayer, range, magic and summoning level. Assuming you had 70 attack, strength and defence, with 10 hitpoints (the lowest level you can have) and the rest of the skills mentioned above at level 1, you would have a combat level of 65. If however you had 70 hitpoints as well, you would be a level 80 combat.
Bread heals 5 hitpoints.
al kharid duel arena
Assuming you had 99 Hitpoints, and only had 1 Prayer, Summoning, Magic, and Ranged, you would have a combat level of 96.
Find out on ur own noob!!!On RuneScape cooked trout heals 7 hitpoints.
The following skills can raise your combat level: Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Prayer Summoning Hitpoints. All other skills do not raise your combat level.
assuming you have 10hp the answer would be level 75 but getting defence up usually means some hitpoints levels as well so if you wish to get 99 hitpoints as well you would be level 97.
In RuneScape one salmon gives you 90 hitpoints back.