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You have to talk to the lady furthest away from the entrance when you go into a pokemart. It's only in some towns, like Saffron City and Azalea.
go to the safari zone and talk to the people in the stalls its one of the and u can buy the balls u want to all of them because i dunno which person it is

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Q: Where do you buy Dusk Balls from in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where can you buy a dusk ball in Pokemon diomand?

You can buy the dusk balls in Pokémon Diamond at various markets in the game. The dusk balls cost 1000.00 a piece.

Where do you buy Dusk Balls and Quick Balls at in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

You can get Dusk Ball and Quick Balls at Fallarbor Town.

Where can you buy poke balls like heal balls timer balls dusk balls in platinum?

You can buy them at the Pokemon mart at the Pokemon league. I buy my timer balls, heal balls, etc. at the Pokemon mart in canalave city

How many dusk balls are in Pokemon dimond?

As many as you want, you can buy them.

Where can you buy dusk balls in Pokemon outside the Pokemon league?

Go to Pastoria City and there will be two people at the counter. Press A in front of the guy on the left and he sells dusk balls, quick balls, and i think net balls.

Where can you get darkballs in Pokemon?

Theyre called dusk balls and you can get them from the department store in veilstone and the Pokemon legue store. There called dusk balls you can buy them at Veilstone department store and Pokemon league store. They work best at night.

Where to buy dusk balls on Pokemon LeafGreen?

you can't. they didn't exist in 3rd gen.

Where can you buy net balls in pokemon soulsilver?

Once you get to go to the safari zone there will be a girl who will sell nest balls.

Where can you buy quick balls on Pokemon soul silver?

You buy them at the Safari Zone, the shop right in front of the Pokemon Center (the girl with next to the Butterfree). Along with Quick Balls, she also sells Dusk and Nest balls.

How do you get dusk balls on Pokemon Platinum?

You can buy dusk balls in Pokemon platinum at Celestic Town, Pastoria City, Solaceon Town And In the Pokemon League Mart. It costs $1000 per Ball but it is worth buying if you want to catch Giratina, Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie........

How do you get 2 master balls in soulsilver?

Buy Winning The Pokemon Lottery (verry Hard 1 in 89999 chance)

Can you buy master balls on Pokemon soulsilver?

No, you only get one Master Ball per game. Use it wisely.