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Once you get to go to the safari zone there will be a girl who will sell nest balls.

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Q: Where can you buy net balls in pokemon soulsilver?
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In Pokemon firered where can you buy net balls?

I guess you can't but qny

Where can you find a net ball in Pokemon emerald?

You can buy net balls at the mossdeep city pokemart.

Where can you buy dusk balls in Pokemon outside the Pokemon league?

Go to Pastoria City and there will be two people at the counter. Press A in front of the guy on the left and he sells dusk balls, quick balls, and i think net balls.

Where to get a netball in Pokemon SoulSilver Pokemon?

In Pokemon Soulsilver, you can get a Net Ball from Johto in Goldenrod City. You have to win it from the Goldenrod Dept. Store lottery.

Where to get net balls in Pokemon HeartGold?

Well if you go inside some poke'marts you can buy them from there. Hope this helped!!

Where do you get timer balls in Pokemon SoulSilver?

at cinnabar island there is a net ball 5 master balls in the hidden chamber (you need hidden power) and last but not least 5 timer balls!not sure but I think after you beat the league Kirt will use two different apricorns

Where do you get great balls and net balls in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire?

Great Balls:fallabor town Net Balls:Mossdeep city.

What kind of poke balls is there on heartgold and SoulSilver?

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the PokéBalls that you can get are: Poké Balls, Heal Balls, Great Balls, Net Balls, Dusk Balls, Friend Balls, Level Balls, Moon Balls, Heavy Balls, Lure Balls, Fast Balls, Luxury Balls, Ultra Balls, Love Balls, Nest Balls, Premier Balls, Quick Balls, Repeat Balls, Safari Balls, Timer Balls and Master Balls.

Where to find net balls in Pokemon sapphire?

Mossdeep City

Where do you find a Shieldon on Pokemon SoulSilver?

go to serbii net and find out that always help me