In order to breed in Pokemon black/white leave two Pokemon at the daycare centre on route 3. If you go through the first city with a gym go left out of the city and go up, when you get the option to turn don't, keep going up. There should be a building, go into it and your at the daycare centre.
No, Victini is unbreedable.
you can breed axew cause you can breed any pokemon
No Unfourtnatley not. Zekrom or Reshiram cannot bread with anything
Don´t have a mode to breed in pokemon deluge
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.
A Ditto.
Using a diddo.
the daycare
Ditto can breed with anything except legendaries.
Either breed it yourself, or have someone else breed it through trade.
You need 3 badges to breed Pokemon.
No legendary Pokemon in history can breed. GENDER OR NOT!
YES Zoroark can be breeded
No, Victini is unbreedable.
Legendary Pokemon cannot be breed.
Ejaculate over your Gameboy
You cant get a egg you have to breed it with a ditto