there is a male tainer on the upper floor of victory road that has a carnivine, rampardos, and a rapidash. take the first stair case you see on the farthest left. It will be after a trainer with a blissey and golduck.
No deck has Rampardos EX. The Skull charge theme deck has rampardos.
If you come across a trainer like that then, yes, you can. If you don't find a trainer with feebas there is none!
Rampardos evolves into sodrapmar at lv.80
Rampardos is a Rock type pokemon.
you cant, you ether evolve a cranidos or see a trainer with it
there are no cheats for battle trainer
there is a male tainer on the upper floor of victory road that has a carnivine, rampardos, and a rapidash. take the first stair case you see on the farthest left. It will be after a trainer with a blissey and golduck.
no where
Only the trainers in battle tower (the battle tower trainer's Pokemon will not be recorded in the pokedex)
a trainer has one in battle tower
well, you can see a trainer with it in the battle tower/battle foniter
No deck has Rampardos EX. The Skull charge theme deck has rampardos.
You should have fighting, grass, and water. If your talking about team Dim Sun's Rampardos at the cliffs, get a Cherrim, a Mawile, and bring a water type with you. I had a Blastoise from the Vien Forest. To get to the Rampardos you need to swing from vine to vine and get of at the Rampardos. To attack them use the poke assist button the stylus to draw the loops to get the freindship so that the Pokemon likes you and comes with you
no but trainer red is basically ash
battle tower