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No deck has Rampardos EX. The Skull charge theme deck has rampardos.

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Q: What Pokemon deck has Rampardos EX?
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What type of Pokemon is Rampardos?

Rampardos is a Rock type pokemon.

How do you evolve Rampardos in Pokemon Indigo?

Rampardos does not evolve into anything!

What is the national pokedex number for Rampardos?

Rampardos is #409 in the national pokedex, and it is a Rock type Pokemon.

Where is rampardos in Pokemon Ranger shadows of almia?

It is located at Peril Cliffs after captured Rampardos as a boss.

How do you get Rampardos in Pokemon Pearl?

trade with someone that has Pokemon diamond

Where do you see rampardos in Pokemon pearl?

in the middle

Is rampardos a legendary Pokemon yes or no?

No, its not unfortunately.. :(

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Rampardos has the highest attack.

Can you catch rampardos in Pokemon platinum?

ya underground

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