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If you come across a trainer like that then, yes, you can.

If you don't find a trainer with feebas there is none!

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Q: Can you battle a trainer with a feebas?
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How do you find a trainer with a feebas in platinum?

A really strong water trainer, in victory road Near Sunyshore, there will be several fisherman. One of them will have a Feebas.

Where is a trainer with a Feebas on Platinum?

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You can find Feebas by battling a fisherman on route 222. You can also wait and battle all of the trainers of the Seven Stars Restaurant on Valor Lakefront. There is a collector that has one in there.

Where is a trainer with a febas in Pokemon platinum?

You can find a trainer with a feebas on route 222 to the left of sunnyshore city.

Which trainer in Pokemon platinum has feebas?

One of the fishermen on Route 222 has one.

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route 222 diamond/pearl - battle the sailors platinum battle - the 3rd fisherman from the left

Where to fight feebas trainer in Pokemon platinum?

its between lake valor and sunnyshore city

Is there a trainer in Pokemon Platinum that owns a Febas?

to the left of sunnyshore the third fisherman from the left has a feebas

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What trainer has a feebas in pokemon platnum?

i don,t know but go to mt corenet and use super rod

What trainers have feebas in Pokemon platnium?

Trainer on route 222 Fishman Brett (The dude with Feebas) is fishing next to Fisherman Cole. He is near a Tuber Girl near a house by a boulder. Feebas is LV 42 and his 3rd pokemon. Fisherman Brett will give you $1344 after defeat.