A really strong water trainer, in victory road Near Sunyshore, there will be several fisherman. One of them will have a Feebas.
You can find a trainer with a feebas on route 222 to the left of sunnyshore city.
If you come across a trainer like that then, yes, you can. If you don't find a trainer with feebas there is none!
its between lake valor and sunnyshore city
it is found in mount coronet
you can find the trainer with the misdreavus in platinum in hearthome city i believe
You can find a trainer with a feebas on route 222 to the left of sunnyshore city.
Most fisherman:D
one of the fishermen by sunyshore city has feebas. Try all of them...
If you come across a trainer like that then, yes, you can. If you don't find a trainer with feebas there is none!
One of the fishermen on Route 222 has one.
its between lake valor and sunnyshore city
to the left of sunnyshore the third fisherman from the left has a feebas
Feebas are tricky to catch you can only find them in certain floors in Mt. cornet.
it is found in mount coronet
route 222 diamond/pearl - battle the sailors platinum battle - the 3rd fisherman from the left
i never saw the feebas till i got threw to sunny shore city
One of the fishermen left at Sunyshore City has a Feebas. I hope I answered you question.