It is only in Pearl, Diamond and Platinum, not fire red or leaf green. If you meant a different mountain, then ask it right!
in mount coronet
You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.
You could get it at Celadon City in the game corner for 4,000 coins.
While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.
Mt Coronet.
Go to Mount Coronet. You will find your way to the Diagla Temple there.
get the Pokemon platinum guide book
You eat a penguin and use a super fart to get to the top of a mountain and make love to palkia.
if you want to evolve a togetic,you have to use a shiny stone on it. You can find one in stark mountain and deep inside mt. coronet
u could find it in a house in celedon city
you need to get to the spear pillar that is the top of the mount coronet to find him
If I can remember Palkia shold be located on the Spear Pillar.I can not remember bur I think that is near Mountain Coronet or whatever it's called
As much as people wish they could, you cannot find Chimchar in Fire Red.
you find the move surf somewhere near mt coronet. i dont know where but it DEFINETLY near mt coronet you find the move surf somewhere near mt coronet. i dont know where but it DEFINETLY near mt coronet
In Pearl, you can neither find Zapdos, nor Moltres. To get them in Pearl, you'll have to trade or migrate. You can find them in FireRed/LeafGreen, Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver and X/Y. If you migrate them from FireRed/LeafGreen, you'll find both of them in the mountain area at Pal Park.
You can find it on Mt. Coronet.
in mount coronet