Any and all trades can be made at the top of any Pokemon Center speak to the lady behind the far right counter.
it doesnt, you have to trade it to evolve it
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
to evolve machoke you need to trade it
no, you can't trade Pokemon from gold to leafgreen. But you can trade them from Pokemon XD from gamecube.
trade it to someone you trust. then trade back. the machoke will become a machamp,
Machoke evolves once you trade it to someone else.
You have to trade it to somebody else then get it back
you've to get a machoke in a trade and when it arrives to your game it will evolve by itself without any help from you
Machoke will only evolve if its traded so find a friend with firered or leafgreen get a GBA link cable or two wirless adapters and go into the trade center upstairs in any Pokemon center then trade your machoke take it back it will now be a machamp.
You need a cable and go and trade machoke in other gba with any Pokemon It will evolve Now take back the machamp!!!!!!!!
I didnt even know that you can trade from leaf green to diamond. But yes if you trade your machoke you can :D
Okay to evolve a machoke just use a GBA link cable to trade it to a friend who has another emerald or ruby or sapphire or firered or leafgreen, You can also use a wireless adapter with firered and leafgreen and another emerald if you don't have a GBA link cable. If all else fails you can trade the machoke to Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness, either way when you trade it it will evolve then take it back and your machoke now is a machamp.
it doesnt, you have to trade it to evolve it
You must trade machoke to a friend to make it evolve ask your friend for the Machamp to get it.
machoke evolves if you trade it
Machoke will only evolve when you trade it to another gamepak once the transfer is complete have the other gamepak trade it back to receive Machamp.
Machoke, Kadabra, Graveler, Haunter... Loads...