trade it to someone you trust. then trade back. the machoke will become a machamp,
to evolve a machoke you must trade it to another game like gold or crystal.
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.
For machoke to evolve you need to trade your friend then when it evolves then it turns to machamp.
Machoke evolves into Machamp only through trade my friend.
Machoke will evolve when you trade it to another gamepak once the trade is completed it will evolve to Machamp have the other gamepak trade it back afterward.
to evolve a machoke you must trade it to another game like gold or crystal.
Machoke evolves into Machamp, but you need to trade it to get it to evolve.
By trading machoke
machoke evolve into machamp, what the f*** are you saying?
Machoke evolves into Machamp when traded.
you have to trade the machoke to get a machamp
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.
You can't. you have to trade to get machamp
For machoke to evolve you need to trade your friend then when it evolves then it turns to machamp.
you find machoke on victory road and battle with it to evolve it into machamp or early on in the rock tunnel u get machop and then battle with it to evolve it into machoke and then machamp =] you need to trade for a machoke and it will evolve into machamp.
Machoke can only evolve after its been traded
you have to trade it over with some thing else