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it doesnt, you have to trade it to evolve it

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Q: What level does machoke evolve at in LeafGreen?
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Does machoke evolve in LeafGreen?

no machoke doesn't evolves into leaf green

Machoke evolve LeafGreen?

You must trade machoke to a friend to make it evolve ask your friend for the Machamp to get it.

What level machoke evolve?

MACHOKE EVOlve by trading

How does machoke evolve on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Machoke evolves once you trade it to someone else.

What level does machoke evolve at in platinum?

You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.

On which level does machoke evolve?

Machoke can evolve at any level however it cannot evolve via level-up, Machoke can only evolve into Machamp once it's been traded to another player.

What level does machoke evolve in Pokemon diamond?

to evolve machoke you need to trade it

What level does machop evolve in emerald?

Machop evolve's on level 28 into Machoke and if u want machoke to evolve u have to trade him

How evolve machoke in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to trade it to somebody else then get it back

When does machop evolve at Pokemon Emerald?

It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.

What level does machoke evolve in Pokemon?

machoke evolves after traded

What level in diamond does machoke evolve?

Machoke doesn't evolve into Machamp by leveling up. You NEED to trade it to evolve.