A good way you can do it is get an aipom from the honey tree, then evolve it into an ambipom.
either evolve the aipom or go to pastoria city at a certain day ( idk exactly when ) and theres a clown named lee in the Pokemon center, he has an ambipom lv 50
Another way to see one would be to battle Ace Trainer Blake on Route 216 who is just before the cave.
you can't see ambipom but you can catch aipoms by slathering honey on trees and evolve them
there is a clown in one of the poke centers with ambipom
u have 2 evolve aipom
there is a cool girl trainer in victory road who has one
You can get an Aipom by spreading honey on honey trees. After that, evolve it into an Ambipom by making it learn Double Hit at Level 32, then it will evolve.
an ace trainer on route 216 or a clown in a Pokemon center.Goood luck!
You Can't See Ambipom,If You Want To See A Ambipom,Just Evolve Aipom.
you cant.you have to get apoim to level 32 teach it double hit and he evolves.
It is Ambipom, the evolution of Aipom. To see it, there are several trainers so look around Solaceon and Hearthome and you will find a person with it.
This guy named Blake on route 216.
in Pokemon league
level up aipom when it knows double hit
there is a clown in one of the poke centers with ambipom
u have 2 evolve aipom
Sinnoh Dex: Aipom