Starly can be found at a few routes in the beginning of the game. However, if you plan on getting a shiny Starly, I suggest you try Route 201-the first route you go to at the start of the game. Using the Poke radar you receive from Professor Oak or Rowan (I'm not sure), you can chain Starly and with a Poketech app from Prof. Oak at Pal Park, you can keep a record of your chain. Get 40 of the Starly, but good luck, it takes a while and a bit of practice.
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
Starly evolves into Staravia when it's a level 14.Starly evolves at level 14!
Starly evolves into Staravia at Level 15.
You will have to trade for Starly. Another option would be to use Poke Transfer.
areoblast speedy prety starly light awesome boomer
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
you don't
"Gold Arceus is Shiny Arceus. It is EXTREMELY rare to get a Shiny Arceus. It is rare to get a Shiny Starly by comparison." i think our little friend was was refering to A.R.
I've seen it happen and it's usually around 40-50
It's all random. It could take you many encounters or be really lucky to just get a few encounters.
To get a Staravia you have to evolve starly or trade
Starly evolves into Staravia when it's a level 14.Starly evolves at level 14!
You have to play your game for a VERY LONG time. I got a shiny starly and a shiny machop that way. In Pokemon leafgreen you have to play for 6 hours,so you better have a LOT of free time 'cause 6 hours is a QUARTER of a day! I did it during Spring and Summer vacation from school.
starly evolves into staravia at level 14
Starly is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
Starly is a pretty good one, you will get there with him/her!