You will have to trade for Starly. Another option would be to use Poke Transfer.
Starly evolves into Staravia at Level 15.
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
areoblast speedy prety starly light awesome boomer
Pokemon Pearl/Diamond Starly evolves into Starvia at level 13 and then evolves into Staraptor at level 34. Source(s): Experience from Pokemon Diamond
Starly evolves at level 14 into Staravia, which then evolves into Staraptor at level 34.
Starly is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
train a starly or capture it the envolved starly Pokemon near a mountain i don't know where
Starly is a pretty good one, you will get there with him/her!
Starly evolves into Staravia at Level 15.
Aron, Seedot, Starly, Rhyhorn, Happiny, Bellsprout. Hope this helped:) Babin2052
well for me id say a shiny starly in Pokemon diamond is about a 50 50 chance unless you make ur starly shiny
Starly, Pachuritsu, or Munchslax
areoblast speedy prety starly light awesome boomer
bidoof and starly!!
It is one of the starters that you can take out of pachirisu , munchlax, and starly