there are many places to get them but the most secure sites are
just incase you go to the author's site and find and download it
there ya go!
well i was watching a tutorial and this guy was at a website and it had all these diffrent mugen chars
go to the address below when you get on the page, scroll half way down and you should see SONIC BATTLE M.E with all the sonic characters appearing . its a full mugen game, but if you just want the characters then open the folder named "CHARS" . all the sonic characters will be there.
when you unzip the character put it or unzip it to the "chars" folder.Then copy the name of its folder. Now go to the "data" folder and open the select.def file with notepad or wordpad. scroll down until you see this line kfm, stages/kfm.def paste the name directly under . don't worry you don't have to do the stage thing unless your mugen is really old. hope this helps :)
mugen does not work anymore
My personal favorite sites are and you can find almost anything for mugen.
you can get naruto mugen chars and a lot of other chars in Believe me, it's an awesome website^^
Some of the main characters in the Mugen Chars video games are Sonic, Sponge Bob, Mario, Goku, and Luigi. The Mugen Chars video games have many minor characters.
you can download chars on my website today link: evil ryu ken and more
well i was watching a tutorial and this guy was at a website and it had all these diffrent mugen chars
nope but mabe for giants or but those are sites i know
you gotta go to a place called then under where it says charecters look for what kind of charecter you want the when you find it where it says:dl click on that then go all the way download and wait for the download link open it and the it has a folder you need WinRAR to extract it to you mugen into a folder where it say chars put the charecter name folder there than right click on the mouse and press rename copy the name of the charecter then go to select in data the where it says insert you charecters below paste the name of the charecter there than play mugen and you have the charecter you wanted!!! hoped this helped!!
It Can either be your Computer or you have Too Many Hi Res Chars and Stages. Sometimes it can be a single character that causes it to freeze.
on www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic character pack and on mugen masters there should be a sonic battle pack but no super sonic. www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic pack and on mugen master's there should be every character for sonic battle.
ok i figure out how to add a chars in mugen1. download a chars you cant download one in: open your eve mugen3.go to chars4. put the folder in chars5. copy the name of your chars6. go to data7. now this is the tricky part now what you thing is that the select.def is sepose to be a notepad.WRONG!if it not a notepad then click right click in select.def8. click at something that mean edit or in french it will be writhing maybe modifier.9. now go down and you can see some random select.10. replace one random select by your chars name.11. save it12. go back to eve mugen13. play it and you will find your chars that you want.I hope it help youEnjoy!oh and if you want to download eve mugen go to: for winRarif you want with zip go to:
Go to at the right hand corner you will see a search box type in naruto demon fox mugen and scroll downn till you see narutomugen.war click download.You need winrar to play it.