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well i was watching a tutorial and this guy was at a website and it had all these diffrent mugen chars

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How do you find sonic mugen characters?

on www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic character pack and on mugen masters there should be a sonic battle pack but no super sonic. www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic pack and on mugen master's there should be every character for sonic battle.

Where can you download sonic the werehog for mugen?

Downloads for sonic, tails and most sonic characters for mugen

Where can you find Sonic characters for MUGEN?

go to the address below when you get on the page, scroll half way down and you should see SONIC BATTLE M.E with all the sonic characters appearing . its a full mugen game, but if you just want the characters then open the folder named "CHARS" . all the sonic characters will be there.

Where can you get classic sonic for mugen? and tape in classic sonic

Where you can download sonic mugen for PC?


How do you get super sonic for mugen?

get the download file

How do you play sonic dx in your computer?

Buy it or dowload it ! It's not hard!

Where can you can find a Super Sonic 3 for MUGEN?

Bigshowofall has one on his youtube account

Any neo sonic mugen chars?

nope but mabe for giants

Where can you get sonic stages for mugen?

go on and type in Sonic M.U.G.E.N. stages and there will be a lot sites. I hope this helpful ? for you By RavShindo

What are the main characters in the Mugen Chars video game?

Some of the main characters in the Mugen Chars video games are Sonic, Sponge Bob, Mario, Goku, and Luigi. The Mugen Chars video games have many minor characters.

When will sonic battle 2 come out?

after sonic battle 1, but before sonic battle 3