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get the download file

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Q: How do you get super sonic for mugen?
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How do you find sonic mugen characters?

on www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic character pack and on mugen masters there should be a sonic battle pack but no super sonic. www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic pack and on mugen master's there should be every character for sonic battle.

Where can you can find a Super Sonic 3 for MUGEN?

Bigshowofall has one on his youtube account

Where can you download sonic the werehog for mugen?

Downloads for sonic, tails and most sonic characters for mugen

Where can you get classic sonic for mugen? and tape in classic sonic

Where you can download sonic mugen for PC?


Where can you download Dark Super Sonic for Mugen?

Im just saying any video or anything you lookin at they just put some stuff on it or mustive been a lie well I paint a Dark Super Sonic and animate it before here is a link for it: Fgaara it says gaara but the guy screwed up when he posted it.

How do you get sonic on mungen?

You can get it by google or yahoo. If that didn't work go to and log in and send me a question. Or go to and tell me at the guestbook. I even got super sonic on mugen.

Is there a Super Smash Bros. brawl mugen?

Nope. But if you use mugen and add all the characters from SSB, you get yourself a brawl mugen :)

Were to dowload Sonic Battle Mugen Edition free?

well i was watching a tutorial and this guy was at a website and it had all these diffrent mugen chars

Any neo sonic mugen chars?

nope but mabe for giants

What is better super Sonic or Sonic?

Nope,Hyper Sonic is better then Super Sonic and Sonic

Where can you get sonic stages for mugen?

go on and type in Sonic M.U.G.E.N. stages and there will be a lot sites. I hope this helpful ? for you By RavShindo