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Kyurem can be found in the Giant Chasm (North of Route 13). When you head into the cave travel down the stairs that you see, and exit the cave. You then need to head towards the centre of the outside area once you do that area will turn snowy and you will then be able to access Kyurem's cave in the far centre wall.

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Q: Where can you get kyrem in Pokemon white?
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How do you find kyrem in Pokemon white?

In the giant chasm

What level does kyrem come in on pokemon?

70 in pokemon black and white

Where do you catch kyrem in white version?

You can catch Kyrem in Giant Chasm after the game.

What is the ultimate Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Black?

reshiram and kyrem

Do you get black Kyuren in Pokemon black 2?

Yes. You first have to beat the pokemon league then go to the giant chasm where you battled against black kyurem, and you can catch the regular kyurem, then you will get the DNA Splicers which will allow you to combine the DNA of Kyurem and Zecrom to get Black Kyurem.

Is kyrem the the strongest Pokemon?

not by a long shot

Who is kyrem?

it is a ice and dragon type Pokemon that is legendary it has three forms

What pokeball to do you use on kyrem in Pokemon white?

I suggest ultra balls and dusk balls. You could use your master ball if you saved it or if it takes ages use time balls

What are all the legendaries on pokemon black?

cobalion,kyrem,landorus,reshiram,terrakion,tornadus and virizon

Who is stronger manaphy or kyrem?

of course kyrem its a ice type

Where can you find Kyuren in Pokemon lake?

This is all for Pokemon lake. Not nintendo games on the DS.I'm not exactly sure but you can get it at an ice place.thanks i got kyrem

How do you get to kyrem in Pokemon White?

First you go to giant casum then you go out the small opening at the bottom then you have to go all the way around starting left going up right then down but before you jump off the lej to where you came out of go up and right there should be a little pond thingy, go up to it you should hear a cry and then it starts snowing go up to the top right corner there you will find a cave go in it and kyrem will be in it it is a lvl 75 be prepared. I have a Kyrem myself lvl 76. Brent age 10