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well you can find Vulpix on Route 36, 37 ,and 48 in Johto and in Kanto you can find it on Route 7 and 8
Vulpix is found on route 37,36,48 only in Soulsilver, you might find them, they are uncommon.

Another Faster Way Is To: Fly/Go To The Safari and just go to the tall grass outside of the safari entrance gate. they are very common in that little grass area.

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Q: Where can you get a vulpix in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where is Vulpix in Pokemon HeartGold Pokemon?

You can only catch Vulpix in SoulSilver, not in HeartGold. You can catch it on route 36 and route 37.

Can you get a boy vulpix in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You just have to get lucky. There is no method to get a boy vulpix. You are at the luck of the game.

Where can you get a vulpix in Pokemon HeartGold?

you can' must trade from soulsilver.

Where can you go to evolve vulpix on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You need a firestone.

Is Vulpix in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Vulpix is actually exclusive to Pokemon Soul Silver. I will put a link to the list of locations in the related links.

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heartgold but you can get vulpix in soulsilver

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Growlithe is a heartgold exclusive like vulpix is for soulsilver so your gonna have to trade to get one.

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You can't you would have to catch one in Pokemon Heartgold or Pokemon Soulsilver and trade it to Platnium

How good is Pokemon Gold heart?

Heatgold is a really fun game, and is exactly the same soulsilver exept for different Pokemon like heartgold has growlithe and soulsilver has vulpix.

Is vulpix in Pokemon HeartGold?

No, the only way to get it in HeartGold is to trade from Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, or SoulSilver.

What level does vulpix evolve into Ninetales in Pokemon soulsilver?

It evolves via Fire Stone, not leveling.

Where is vuplix in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Vulpix can be caught wild on Routes 7, 8, 36, 37, and 48.