You can't because one, the Pokemon that evolves because of the claw wasn't discovered until Generation 4 and two the claw was not made yet.
You can buy a razor claw from the PokeShop, if you have enough Pokemon Coins!
The Pokémon in Pokémon Pearl that evolves with a Razor Claw is Sneasel. You can evolve Sneasel with a Razor Claw by giving the Razor Claw to Sneasel and then you can level it up while it's night time and it will evolve into Weavile.
u can find the razor claw on route thirteen in white
Gligar evolves when holding a Razor Claw at night, I believe.
You can buy a razor claw from the PokeShop, if you have enough Pokemon Coins!
The Pokémon in Pokémon Pearl that evolves with a Razor Claw is Sneasel. You can evolve Sneasel with a Razor Claw by giving the Razor Claw to Sneasel and then you can level it up while it's night time and it will evolve into Weavile.
u can find the razor claw on route thirteen in white
Gligar evolves when holding a Razor Claw at night, I believe.
No wild Pokemon hold the item razor claw but you can find razor claw at Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P) -Clensen
In order to get a razor claw you need to have Gilgar hold the razor fang at night and level up. You can find a razor fang on Route 214.
That item does not exist in the early games [gold/silver/crystal], but the closest thing to it is Quick Claw, which can be found by talking to the woman sitting on a park bench with her Pokemon in National Park.
the razor claw is used to evolve sneasle to weaville if you train sneasle while holding a razer claw at night
The effect of Razor Claw is you give it to a Sneasel and level it up after 8pm to evolve it into weaville
There is no "Tppcrpg" Pokemon game.
Route 224