impossible. You have to trade it with a pearl user. they are as easy to obtain in pearl as murkrows are in diamond : ) ~Sherry
PMMewtwo---At the forest inside the right side door in the Pokemon mansion.
Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon available only in Pokemon Pearl (of the fourth generation games). It may be traded over to Pokemon Diamond.
No, you cannot. You can evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius in Diamond/Pearl or later versions using a Dusk Stone.
It can evolve Pokemon. Here is a list of what it can evolve: Misdreavus---> Mismagius Murkrow---> Honchkrow If your going to get Pokemon diamond/pearl,please beware of the type of Pokemon you can find.For Example,Murkrow can only be found in Diamond,not Pearl or Glamow can be found on Pearl but not on Diamond,But what i mean is there's only 2 Pokemon (In Diamond/Pearl) that can be found on each game. Here's the list: Murkrow---> Honchkrow (Diamond) Stunky---> Stunktank (Diamond) Misdreavus---> Mismagius (Pearl) Glamow---> Purugly (Pearl)..... But 1 other thing,only 1 Pokemon (In each game) can be used with dusk stone,so pick WISELY....
The Pokemon Misdreavus does not occur in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. The only way for the player to get a Misdreavus in this game is to have one traded over from another game.
You cannot evolve Misdreavus in Crystal.
ucant catch misdreavus in diamond
Misdreavus cannot be obtained on Pokemon Diamond, so you must trade one from Pokemon Pearl.
you cannot get a misdreavus in Pokemon platinum but you can get it in diamond and pearl.
Evolve Misdreavus with a Dusk Stone. You cannot find Misdreavus in Pokemon Diamond so you need to trade.
Misdreavus is a Ghost type Pokemon available only in Pokemon Pearl (of the fourth generation games). It may be traded over to Pokemon Diamond.
No, you can only get it in pearl
You cannot catch a Misdreavus on Pokemon Diamond as it's exclusive to Pokemon Pearl. In Pokemon Pearl Misdreavus appears at nighttime in Eterna Forest and the Lost Tower.
it evolves into mismagious
The only way to get a Misdreavus in Platinum is to trade with Diamond or Pearl.
Misdreavus cannot be caught in Diamond. You can either transfer a Misdreavus from GBA games, or you can trade one from Pearl.
U go to Eterna Forest at night time then misdreavus will come out :3