You can't catch Murkrow in Pearl. Murkrow is a Diamond-only Pokemon. Just like Misdreavus is a Pearl-only Pokemon.
you cant catch entei on Pokemon pearl. entei is a johto Pokemon and Pokemon pearl is a sinnoh game. the only way to getentei is to trade it over from another game games compatible are Pokemon diamond, Pokemon platinum, Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold. the last two i am sure you can get entei. (i have seen it in the wild)
The best way is to catch Gligar on Route 206 in Platinum then trade back to Pearl. Did that help? (Oh, and Gligar can be found on Route 206 in Pearl, but are rarer and recquire a certain method using the National Dex, not sure what...)
Normally you can catch it in pearl after beating the elite 4 but in diamond the only way is to trade with someone who has a sealeo on their pearl, or migrate it from emerald.
you can find feebas on the way to catch garitina diaogia and palkia you need to use a good rod to catch him
the only way you can get regice in heart gold is by trading from Pokemon platinum,diamond and pearl
You cannot catch Aron in pokémon pearl, as it is exclusive to pokémon diamond. the only way to obtain this is to trade it from another compatible Pokemon game.
you can not catch it in pearl but u can catch bagon in pearl
You cannot find or catch a Jirachi in Pokémon Diamond or Pearl, the only way to acquire it in your game is by trading with another player who has it.
In a way. In pearl, you catch palkia. And in diamond, you catch dialga.
In pearl and diamond you can't catch a treeko.The only way to get one is through pal park or trade.
no way!
In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, there is no possible way to catch a Giritina. You can, however, either catch one in Pokemon Platinum or trade with someone who does have one. In Pokemon Pearl, you catch Palkia at Spear Pillar. In Pokemon Diamond, you catch Dialga at Spear Pillar.
You can't catch it in the wild in Pearl, but you can get it on route 229 on Diamond. Its evolved form, scizor, isn't available on Pearl either. The only way to get it is through a trade. Sorry!
The only way to catch either one of them would be to transfer from an other game, since they aren't found in Pokemon pearl.
You cannot; just as Palkia is exclusive to Pearl, Dialga is exclusive to Diamond. The only game in which you can catch both is Platinum.
you can do it by cheating but that is the only way