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Action Replay's are hardware devices that are sold, or available for resale through game outlets and auction sites. Unless you have a friend that wants to give you one, you cannot get them for free. Some codes, roms, and downloads are available at their site for free (see link below).

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How do you get a free action replay?

well the action replay can be found in game stores but you can only get one if your friend gives it to you but for me there is no way to get it for free :(

Ware can you get a free action replay CD?

no where

What is action replay for Pokemon pearl?

An action Replay is a cheating item. It make's it so you can get free Pokemon by typing in a code.

Does the action replay DS work for the game Skate it - if so does it unlock all the locations for free-skate?

1: Yes, Action Replay DS can be used on Skate it. 2: If you find an Action Replay code for "Skate it: Unlock all locations for free-skate".

Where can you download psp action replay max software for free?

Where can I download password for psp action replay max for free to unzip? The RAR file I downloaded is asking for a password to unzip.

How do you get from the new action replay cach Pokemon from trainers to the old action replay?

Well if you go to an action replay event (there has only been 1 so far and that was in china) and speak to the big tall man next to the upgrade store and he will upgrade your action replay for free. Ta Da

Where can you download action replay for Pokemon platinum NDS free?

You can't

Is there a way to get an action replay for free?

not unless someone gives it away to you

Is there a website for making action replay codes for free?

No i dont think there is!

Do you get a free shaymin once you get the national pokedex?

no. you need an action replay