

Best Answer

"""""""""""""" use action replay

"""""""""""""" use action replay

"""""""""""""" use action replay

"""""""""""""" use action replay

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Q: How do you cheat to get lots of rare candy in soulsilver?
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What is a cheat to get infinite rare candy's in emerald?

you can use a gameshark or cloning cheats to get lots of rare candies

Rare candy cheat pearl?

You have to have an action replay to do the rare candy cheat.....sorry! :)

How do you copy rare candy in Pokemon SoulSilver?


What is the rare candy cheat for platium?

eat a rare candy in your bed in your room. It'll multiply

How do you get rare candy in Pokemon Vortex by entering cheat code?

You cannot get rare candy that way.

What is rare candy cheat?

Cheatin is for chodes

How cheat rare candy in Pokemon raptor ex?

As of May 2014, it is not possible to cheat for rare candy on Pok_mon Raptor Ex. A person must earn or trade for rate candy.

How do you get infifinte rare candy cheat?

Action replay

How do you cheat rare candy in Pokemon emerald?

you don't

Where can you get Rare Candy in SoulSilver?

At the lighthouse and in the bell tower that is all i kno of sorry

Can you get lots of rare candy with out action replay?

trade with a friend, and have the friend's Pokemon hold a rare candy.

What are the Pokemon cheat codes for platinum version?

well there is lots of cheats such as infinitie rare candy etc i reccomend you having an Ar or cheat code card. Then go to youtube and just type it in