At the lighthouse and in the bell tower that is all i kno of sorry
make friendly at night by rare candy of other items. worked 4 me, works 4 u
"""""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay
Yes there is rare candy in pearl
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
theres no rare candy in nimbasa city
level it up with a rare candy then it evolves
the easiest thing! either by cheating (action replay), or purchasing them in the pokealathon!
use cheats or find 100 rare candys yourself or do 100 trades with a friend with a Pokemon holding a rare candy
Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon at level 42 with a Rare Candy.
make friendly at night by rare candy of other items. worked 4 me, works 4 u
"""""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay and look up rare candy {by the way its rare candy not rare candy barb1 of the mall i think
I need help because my R & L buttons are barely working and i found one time a rare candy code without using the R & L buttons!
You can't buy Rare Candy.
Yes there is rare candy in pearl
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs