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Pokemarts form Ecruteak City onwards and a shop in Mahogany Town have Repel for sale in Johto. Max Repel can be bought at the Pokemon League and other Pokemarts in Kanto have Repels of some sort as well.

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Q: Where can you get a Repel in Pokemon Crystal?
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Is there away to get Pokemon to stop attacking you in Pokemon Crystal?

2 ways!!! 1. Just flee (you must be higher speed to flee) 2. Use Repel, Super Repel, or Max Repel ~Wariolink A.K.A. Pokemaster

How do you get out of the ice cave in Pokemon Crystal?

You have to be smart enough to get out of it. There are rock patterns. If you get annoyed in slipping in the ice, relax and be suspicious. Hot Tip: Bring Super Repel / Max Repel to get rid of POKEMON!!!

What does it mean in Pokemon Crystal if you dont get into a battle for a long time without a repel?

nothing, it just means you are lucky

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You Must Complete the Burned Tower what i did was Got a Super Repel And Then Beat my Rival But i did it On Crystal

To what level does a repel repel in Pokemon diamond?

to the level of the first Pokemon in the party

Can you catch a shiny Pokemon with a repel on in Pokemon black and White?

Nope, repel is a shiny's worst enemy >:(

What is better game Pokemon Crystal dust or Pokemon liquid crystal?

I preference pokemon crystal

What is max repel?

Max Repel is a potion that prevents Pokemon that are LOWER level then you. Meaning that if u have a lvl 40 Pokemon and u use max repel. it will only keep level 2-39 Pokemon away. Even if u use max repel and ur Pokemon is lower level than wild Pokemon that are 41+, you will encounter them so be sure that u have a high level Pokemon when using max repel

What is HM08 in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no HM08 in Pokemon Crystal. Pokemon Crystal has only 7 HMs that are available to use.

Pokemon sapphire what flute repels Pokemon?

no flute can repel

How do you stop Pokemon from appearing in Pokemon platinum?

use a repel

Where can you find dark pulse in Pokemon crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal.