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You have to be smart enough to get out of it. There are rock patterns. If you get annoyed in slipping in the ice, relax and be suspicious.

Hot Tip: Bring Super Repel / Max Repel to get rid of POKEMON!!!

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Q: How do you get out of the ice cave in Pokemon Crystal?
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AnswerThe last HM in Pokemon Crystal is HM07 - Waterfall. This HM is found in Ice Cave.

How do you get to blackthorn city in Pokemon Crystal?

You have to go past the ice cave in route 44 and then you will be there.

How do you get through the ice cave on Pokemon crystal version?

Your Pokemon are supposed to learn strength and move the boulders to the wholes.

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The HM waterfall is in the ice cave, the cave you use to get to Blackthorn City to get the 8th badge. Just pick up every item that you can see in there and you will find it.

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How do you get ice beam in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.