When you first enter the Oreburgh gate, the hiker will give it to you. Beat Rorark to use it outside of battle.
Route 211 you need rock smash and rock climb!
after beating the game, insert the Pokemon leafgreen version for gameboy advanced in the GBA slot. You can then catch Pokemon from that version.
Murkrow is not in Pokemon platinum you have to trade or trade it from your diamond version
IN Pokemon platinum you find this Pokemon on route 201(after you get the national pokedex you put fire red version into your DS)and he will appear.Samething with Pokemon pearl and diamond.
There are a few places you can find a dewgong in on Pokemon Platinum version. You can find him on Victory road, route 226, and route 230. If you catch a Seel you can also get Dewgong by leveling Seel up to level 34.
in a bulbasour :)
you cant.
go to Pokemon marriland.com then it tells you where to find them
i have never heard of Pokemon platinum gba only ds!
Cheat, trade, migrate, catch
route 214 near cave need rock smash.
west of Jubilife city
In a bush !!!!!!! <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
if u have Pokemon platinum then just trade a Pokemon from your platinum version holding dragon palse.
You must trade one from pokemon pearl/platinum version
you can find him along with zubat in any cave.then teach him/her rock smash
Route 211 you need rock smash and rock climb!