There are a few places you can find a dewgong in on Pokemon Platinum version. You can find him on Victory road, route 226, and route 230. If you catch a Seel you can also get Dewgong by leveling Seel up to level 34.
Dewgong evolves from seel
you can only find Seel i believe... then you can evolve it to a dewgong, I highly doubt you can find a wild dewgong =/
There is no way to get a seel. You can get a ditto and a dewgong and breed them but that's it. Sorry. Bennybobs229 yes you can all you have to do is get one male dewgong and a female dewgong and put them in the daycare and in a few minutes you get a seel egg by the way i am trading a seel (level 1) for a umbreon (female)-halloween9 sorry i edit my text
it doesnt evolve seel evolves into dewgong
Dewgong doesn't evolve. - Pokemon Guru
Dewgong evolves from seel
you can only find Seel i believe... then you can evolve it to a dewgong, I highly doubt you can find a wild dewgong =/
Dewgong is a fine Pokemon, but is far from Legandary my friend. You can't compare it to Pokemon like e.g. Mewtwo, Lugia or Groudon.
There is no way to get a seel. You can get a ditto and a dewgong and breed them but that's it. Sorry. Bennybobs229 yes you can all you have to do is get one male dewgong and a female dewgong and put them in the daycare and in a few minutes you get a seel egg by the way i am trading a seel (level 1) for a umbreon (female)-halloween9 sorry i edit my text
No Dewgong cannot evolve as it is Seel's final form.
in platinum after you have gotten national dex go to victory road in the room the guy was blocking and find and catch dewgong
it doesnt evolve seel evolves into dewgong
Dewgong is #87 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ice type Pokemon.