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it is 67 steps after u enter route 209. pass all the people and water then u will see the hallowed tower on a little patch of sand next to 2 small rock

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Q: Where can you find the hallowed tower on Pokemon pearl ds?
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Where is the spirit tower in Pokemon Pearl?

There are two towers in Pokemon Pearl that involve spirits. The tower where you find mostly Ghost-type Pokemon is called Lost Tower and can be found in Route 209, south of Solaceon Town. The other tower that involves spirits is Hallowed Tower, which is found in Route 209 south of the Lost Tower. Hallowed Tower is part of a multiplayer-based side-quest that causes a Spiritomb to spawn.

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Assuming u mean strength? Top floor in the hallowed tower

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if you look at your map, you will find hallowed tower to the right of hearthome city, on route 208. keep walking to the very right and the pile of stones is the hallowed tower once you insert the odd keystone

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You can find Spirtomb in the Hallowed Tower on route 209.

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there is no cemetery unless you mean the Lost Tower outside of Solaceon Town. there is no cemetery unless you mean the Lost Tower outside of Solaceon Town. there is no cemetery unless you mean the Lost Tower outside of Solaceon Town.

Where can you find the ghost tower in Pokemon pearl?

There is no ghost tower but there is a lost tower where you find ghost Pokemon on route 209.

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On the route to Socealean town , where you find the hallowed tower, there is a tower that is the burial sight for pokemon. On the top level are two ladies. One of them will give you strength. =]

Where can you find Spiritomb in pokemon diamond?

You can find Spiritomb at Hallowed Tower Requires Odd Keystone and talking to 32 People total in Sinnoh Underground.

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Battle Tower.

What time can you find duskull in Pokemon platinum?

Night time in between solaceon town and heathome city near hallowed tower

How do find the TM04 on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

It is at the Battle Tower for 48 BP.

Where to find strengt in Pokemon Pearl?

you find strength at the top of the lost tower. talk to the people there