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in the lost tower on route 209 i think on the last floor and if its night time you can find mismagios

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Q: How do you get TM or hm strangh on Pokemon pearl?
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Dive is an HM, but in Diamond,Pearl, and Platnum, it is a TM

Action replay individual TM codes for Pokemon Pearl?

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Where to get sing in Pokemon Pearl?

The move Sing cannot obtained as a TM or HM.

What you can do with TM dig in pearl version?

Just like every other TM or HM. Just give it to a pokemon that can learn that move.

Where to find the hidden move flash in Pokemon pearl?

It's not a HM anymore in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, but it can be bought as a TM in Hearthome City Department.

Where is hm energy ball on Pokemon pearl?

It isn't a HM, but it is considered as an TM. You can get Energy Ball at the Fight Area in exchange for Battle Points.

Where is tackle in Pokemon Pearl?

Tackle is not a TM or HM move. It's an early game move that many Pokemon know from the start.

Heart scales are used to do what in Pokemon pearl?

To learn moves you forgot or didn't learn(exept TM & hm)

Where are the TM and HM in Pokemon pearl? got to that link and skip to Generation IV

Can you migrte Pokemon with hm or TM?

you can't migrate Pokemon that have an hm but you can with Pokemon with tms

Is flash a TM or Hm in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.

Where do you get HM 50 overheat in Pokemon pearl?

You can find the TM for Overheat in Stark Mountain. TM 50 can be found near two trainers called Stefan and Jasmin. You will need the HM move Strength to reach it.