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Trade from colloseum or island Five

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Q: Where can you find remoraid in Pokemon FireRed?
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How do you catch remoraid in firered?

Remoraid is a Water type Pokemon that evolves into Octillery at level 25. Remoraid is not available for capture in Pokemon Fire Red and must be traded over from another game.

Where can you find a remoraid on Pokemon platnium?

== == == ==

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What is a remoraid in Pokemon diamond?

Remoraid is a pokemon(water type)

What type is remoraid?

Remoraid is a water type Pokemon

Where can you find a remoraid in Pokemon pearl?

Almost anywhere using a good rod

Where can you find a Remoraid in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl with a good rod?

Route 222

Where do you find octillry in Pokemon platinum?

you can't, you have to catch a remoraid and level it up.

Where can you find a sandslash in Pokemon FireRed?

You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.

On Pokemon FireRed how do you find staryus?

Staryu is a water type Pokemon. In Pokemon FireRed, it is possible to find lots of Staryus in the Seafoam Islands.

Where is remoraid in Pokemon Crystal?

You'll need to fish on Route 44; it is rare to find.

Where do you find a piloswine in Pokemon FireRed?

You cannot find Piloswine in the wild on Pokemon FireRed. You can find it's pre-evolved form Swinub in Icefall Cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands of Pokemon FireRed.