Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
Minun, the electric type Pokemon, is a good Pokemon. Minun can learn many electric type moves and has high special attack.
Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.
In Sapphire, there is Electrike, Manectric, Pikachu, Pichu(breeding), Raichu(evolve), Voltorb, Electrode, Plusle, Minun, Magnemite, Magneton, Chinchou, Lanturn, Zapdos(trade from FireRed or LeafGreen), and Jolteon(trade from FireRed and LeafGreen).
after speaking to the owner it is in the trophy garden on some days
in route 110 (in sapphire)
Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
A good elecric Pokemon is Sapphire is Manectric. A good combo is Plusle and Minun. Actually, the best is your personal favorite.
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
Minun can be found in Artisan Cave.
you find them on a outbreak
You mean Minun And Plusle Right?ಠ_ಠThey're 3rd Generation Pokemon (Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald)
Minun is an Electric type pokemon.
If you are breeding Plusle and Minun, a female Plusle with a male Minun will produce a Plusle and a female Minun with a male Plusle will produce a Minun. Every female Pokemon will produce her species.
There is no Pokemon mansion in sapphire.
He is not in Pokemon: Sapphire. You will not be able to find him. He is in Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Pearl, and Pokemon: Platinum. You will definitely have trouble finding him in Pokemon: Sapphire.
Minun, the electric type Pokemon, is a good Pokemon. Minun can learn many electric type moves and has high special attack.