I think I used the Super Rod to catch him, and you can get him in Red and Blue on Route 24 & 25, in Cerulean City, Seafoam Island or the Safari Zone. In Yellow, you have to use Surf on Route 6 to catch one.
Psyduck can be found in the Safari Zone while surfing.
Psyduck is in firered not leafgreen you can find it using a good or super rod in the safari zone.
find emolga in the cove area
Use surf in route 35
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
Psyduck can be found in the Safari Zone while surfing.
Psyduck is in firered not leafgreen you can find it using a good or super rod in the safari zone.
Psyduck can be found in Route 6 by surfing. It is uncommon to find.
go to water and find it
find emolga in the cove area
Psyduck can breed with psyduck, I think
Use surf in route 35
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
In the waters of the safari zone
Psyduck was created in 1996.
At Level 33, Psyduck will evlove into a Goldduck, its hard to get a Psyduck all the way up to level 33 so i go to the town that had the well full of Psyduck. Go down there and you might find a Pysduck less than 10 levels away, Also youll find a special item that if Pysduck holds and reaches level 33 can make it evolve into something totally different. Hope this helps
First you can have it traded to you, or if you look more in the western area, you should find it.