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You can only find a Metal Coat in Pokémon Sapphire if you steal it from wild Pokémon that will be holding it such as Magnemite, Magneton, Steelix, Beldum, Metang and Metagross.

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Q: Where can you find a Metal Coat in Sapphire?
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How do you get a metal coat on sapphire?

you have to trade a metal coat from fire red or leaf green P.s. also every magnimite has a 4% chance it is holding a metal coat

How do you get a metal coat in Pokemon in sapphire?

It is held by wild Pokemon in new mavile which are the magnet pokemons whatever they are called............

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You find a metal coat near the memorable pillar on five island.

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You can find the metal coat by going to route 32 (route before the ruins.) and going to the top most part of it. You will find a poke ball. go near it and press space to get a metal coat. Metal coat will also be unlocked in the item store!

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You can pull weeds to get sapphire or use your metal detector on candypalooza island.

How do you get a metal coat in soulsilver?

go to the ship and find the granddaughter and old man gives metal coat. Also available at the pokeathalon

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catch magnemites

How do you get metal coat in Pokemon leaf gre en?

On five island surf to the right and find the memorial of a dead onix nearby is a metal coat.

Were do you find the metal coat in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you go to the island with the stone pillar. It has a person mourning a deceased Onix. If you give him a lemonade, he will give you metal coat.

How do you find metal coat in Pokemon platinum?

go to iron island

Where to find a metal coat soul silver?

There are two ways to get a metal coat on SoulSilver, but you must first have the national Pokedex. If you bring the gentleman's daughter back on the S.S. Aqua on the way to Vermilion City, he will give you a Metal Coat. If you go to the PokeAthlon Dome, you can buy a metal coat on certain days for 3000 points.

Where is the metal coat omega ruby?

A Metal Coat can be found in New Mauville. The Metal Coat is on the right of the machine.