Explorer Jack is found a few squares south-west of the training area in Lumbridge.
He is in a building near the general store in Lumbridge. The building that he is in is indicated by the green star that is over it on the minimap.
you can find sinebeam trees in Daemonheim on runescape
Some teenager
The Runescape client does not need to be downloaded. However if you download it, you can play at the same quality as if you are on a web browser while running Runescape at a lower processing rate than if you are using a web browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.
It isn't possible to find the exact creation date of your runescape account. Unless you remember.
There are several NPCs called "Jack". One of them is "Explorer Jack", which you can find north of Lumbridge Castle.
You need to complete the Lumbridge/Draynor Achievment Diary. This can be started by speaking to Explorer Jack.
You simply need to return to Lumbridge and talk to him again about Myths of the White Lands.
He is in a building near the general store in Lumbridge. The building that he is in is indicated by the green star that is over it on the minimap.
Go talk to Explorer Jack in lumbridge. You will then be able to start the medium achivement diary. Complete all the tasks. Then go back and speak to Jack and he will award you with a Level 2 explorer ring.
After you have retrieved the "Enchanted stones", all you need to do is speak to Explorer Jack in Lumbridge and give him the stones.
you go colder not hotter if your going hotter TURN AROUND and go coldder!
Explorer Jack can be found next to Lumbridge General Store.
To beat jack on runescape, you need to slide on the ice and bump into him.
Near Port Sarim, look for a snow patch.
Runescape works on both Firefox and Explorer. You have to download Java in order for it to work on either though.
You should automatically get a reward but it depends on how many points or sometimes kills you get Example:In castle wars you have to get kills and points etc. to get and points/tokens