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In the start of Pokemon Red, you are at the outside of your house. Go to Professor Oak`s laboratory to see if he is there. If he is not,go out of the lab and go to the tall grass (where wild pokemon is in). Then you can find the professor. Professor will say "Wait!Don`t go out!", "You need Pokemon for your protection!" And you will be followed by him in order to choose a special gift on the table of Prof. Oak`s lab. Gary Oak will be there waiting for you.His father will say: "Gary.This is (your name). I used to study Pokemon as a profession. When I was younger, I was used to have more pokeballs but now...I have 3 balls left. Choose one of them. Come on,(your name) !"You have to choose a pokemon which a pokeball is in it, it depends on which pokemon you like.SOMETIMES when another player plays Pokemon red,the order of pokemon might be swapped!! If the 2nd pokemon is charmander, you`ll know that it is Fire type(because of the fire on its tail!).

Good luck to players of Pokemon Red!

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Q: Where can you find Charmander in Pokemon Red?
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