you can get it through Pokemon fire red or leaf green but if you complete the game you can get charmander from prof.oak in pallet town.
the black charizard is actually a *shiny* charizard. so, if you just happen to get a shiny charmander/charmeleon, when you evolve it, it will become a black charizard.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
Yes. you can take it to the battle frontier and have someone teach it outrage for Pokemon heartgold/ soulsilver
Charizard learns Heat Wave at start in Pokemon FireRed. In Generation IV, Charizard learns it at level 59. In Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Charizard can also learn Heat Wave by move tutor.
No, you cannot catch a Charizard in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
heartgold & soulsilver,i guess.
Pikachu Lapras Charizard Venasuar Blastoise Snorlax
the black charizard is actually a *shiny* charizard. so, if you just happen to get a shiny charmander/charmeleon, when you evolve it, it will become a black charizard.
Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Snorlax, Lapras.
You can't catch Charizard in Diamond. You'll have to migrate or trade Charizard to get it in Diamond. You can have a Charizard in FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver and X/Y, if you evolve Charmeleon. To get Charmeleon, you need to evolve Charmander or in X/Y you can find it at the Friend Safari. In FireRed/LeafGreen Charmander is a Starter from prof. Oak and in HeartGold/SoulSilver you can get it as reward from prof. Oak for defeating Red.
In the cave behind the final gym there is a whirlpool, go beyond that and there will be another whirlpool, then there will be an exit leading to a grassy area and in there you can find charmander and charmelion (25% chance) then you can evolve it into charizard.
Charizards cannot be found in the wild.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
first gyarados then charizard finally draonite
you can trade it from the GTS or you will get charmander from pro. Oak after defeating red