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The blue store lol$ twss

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Q: Where can you buy max repel in emerald?
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Where can you get repels in Pokemon emerald?

Repel= Petalburg, Rustboro, Verdanturf, Lilycove and Slateport. Super Repel= Lavaridge, Fallarbor, Fortree and Lilycove. Max Repel= Mossdeep, Sootopolis and Elite 4.

What is the best town to get a max repel in Pokemon fire red?

Elite four, Celadon city and all other places where you can buy max repel are equally good

Where can you buy pp max in emerald?

lilycove shopping department

Can you buy max revives in emerald?

no but if you find enough there should be five to ten Max Revives.

Where can you buy max elixirs in Pokemon emerald?

you cant u have to find them

How can you get Golem on Pokemon Emerald Version?

In safari zone use max repel and you'll porobably find it. good luck! hope this helped =] martas100

Where can you buy max revive in emerald?

Lilycove Department Store, Petalburg City

Where to buy max repel in Pokemon Red?

Only in a few towns. Saffron is one of them, Celadon is another.

Where can you buy max ether in Pokemon emerald?

Probably @ the pokemon dept. store in lillycove.

How do you get max revive in Pokemon emerald?

You can't buy them, but you can find them in pokeballs and on the ground, using the itemfinder

Where can you buy max repel in Pokemon Yellow?

Max Repels can be purchased at the PokeMarts in Saffron City, Cinnabar Island, and Indigo Plateau. They are sold at 700 pokedollars each.

What is max repel?

Max Repel is a potion that prevents Pokemon that are LOWER level then you. Meaning that if u have a lvl 40 Pokemon and u use max repel. it will only keep level 2-39 Pokemon away. Even if u use max repel and ur Pokemon is lower level than wild Pokemon that are 41+, you will encounter them so be sure that u have a high level Pokemon when using max repel