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you cant u have to find them

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Q: Where can you buy max elixirs in Pokemon emerald?
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Can you buy ethers in marts on emerald version?

no you cant, not even elixirs (restores pp to its max). so i guess you just have to find these items.

Where can you buy max ether in Pokemon emerald?

Probably @ the pokemon dept. store in lillycove.

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You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.

How do you get max revive in Pokemon emerald?

You can't buy them, but you can find them in pokeballs and on the ground, using the itemfinder

Can you buy max elixir or elixir in FireRed?

You can't buy max elixirs or elixirs however mabe Action replay or game shark. I don't have it but buy 1 of em on Ebay and test it out.Get the code on a website also don't forget to submit it if it worked or not. By 9 year old Jaidyn Hurley

Where can you buy pp max in emerald?

lilycove shopping department

Can you buy max revives in emerald?

no but if you find enough there should be five to ten Max Revives.

Items you need to beat the elite four on Pokemon pearl?

max revives max potions elixirs battle items like x attack and x defense and it is good to have a level 25 staravia that knows endeavor to beat the hardest Pokemon

Where to buy Max Revives in Pokemon Emerald?

You have to have enough gym badges first to buy certain items. I know that they can be bought at Pacifilodge Town and Sootopolis City but I'm not sure about other places.

How do you get max toughness in Pokemon emerald?

Feed them good pokeblocks from durin berries.

What is the code for pp max in Pokemon emerald?

0590iv09 8r4u56eh 4h7f4h48 218ye8h0

Where can you buy max repel in emerald?

The blue store lol$ twss