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One can find blue scarves at many clothing and fashion retailers like J. Crew, Gap, Macy's, Nordstrom, and Kohl's. Additionally, these scarves can be purchased online from websites like Amazon, Overstock, deb, and eBay.

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Q: Where can one find blue scarfs?
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How many syllables in the word scarfs?

There is one syllable in the word "scarfs."

In cambodia who was forced to wear blue scarfs?

The Eastern zone of Cambodia

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scarfs she loves scarfs

Who invented scarfs?

I posted a link telling about the invention of scarfs. (:

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Obviously, hats! Scarfs, NO WAY!

Where can one find Burberry scarfs for cheap?

There are several online retailers and websites, Price Machine for an example where one may find less inexpensive burberry scarves. Another option would be to look in local outlet malls.

Where can one find information about the Blue Cross Blue Shield plan?

One can find information about the Blue Cross Blue Shield plan in the official Blue Cross Blue Shield company's website. In addition, one can find information on Wikipedia.

Why do scarfs have fringe?

Scarfs have fringe for decoration. Ancient Rome is where the idea of scarfs came from. You can also make a fringe scarf out of a T-shirt. Hope this helped!

Where can one find information about Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO?

One can find information about the Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO from the BCBS official website. There one can find much information about the services they offer.

Where can one buy cheap striped scarfs online?

One is able to buy cheap striped scarfs online at several different online locations including the following online retail stores: Amazon, eBay, and the Ten Dollar Store.

How can you find the listed value of your car in the Blue Book?

One can find the listed value of your car in the Blue Book by purchasing a blue book. One can also find this information from using Blue Book resources online.

Do the Egyptians wear scarfs?

Like any other people, Egyptians wear scarfs when it is cold. Thus, if it is cold.. they wear a scarf. If they are Muslim, it is still acceptable and widely practiced. If you are inquiring about ancient Egyptians, then no. No, they did not wear scarfs.