Just be patient and find one in the safari zone,the only place they are
evolve your chancey
it's impossible. your can only catch one in Pokemon blue. get a cable cord and trade
find a Chancey, and then get it to max friendship and level it up
You can't catch a Squirtle. It's one of the Pokemon you can get from oak. You have to trade with someone who already has a Squirtle.
You can catch different Pokemon depending on the game -------- You can also catch Gen2 and Gen3 Pokemon, and the glitches are for the most part removed.
in some cave
what you do is go the place where a girl says she will trade areodactyl for a chancey and search that patch of grass but it has to be daytime.
It is impossible.
in blue rescue team you are a pokemon, so you cant catch pokemon, you are friends with them.
to get Blissey you need to first catch a Chancey in the safari zone it takes awhile for most people but have patience then when you catch Chancey train it for awhile nd make Chancey like you more and then eventually it'll evolve into a Blissey
the safare
evolve your chancey
Safari Zone.
You find Chancey in the Meadow Zone of the Safari Zone. You can also catch one on Routes 13, 14, and 15.
You need to trade it.
Try to catch it with a masterball. that's what i did.