"Where can I get Pokemon colleseum?"
Pokemon Colleseum is no longer available in stores, but might be available on Ebay.
You can. Just go to the club colleseum. You must be battling in the wireless club room.
Jirachi is one of the hardest Pokemon to obtain. Here are ways how you get it: Pokemon Colleseum bonus disc Pokemon event Pokemon channel Other downloads Trade Illegal cheats: gameshark codes etc. (not recommended)
In Pokemon HG/SS you can unlock a route for your PokeWalker called YellowForest where you can catch only pikachu on the route. You need to have 9500+ steps to get a flying/surfing pikachu, and the chances are slim. You also have a very high chance of catching pikachus that know volt tackle, too. Good luck. If not you can obtain it in Pokemon Colleseum and trade it into your DS game. (Pokemon D/P and Pokemon HG/SS only).
To get to navel rock you need either a Nintendo event or a action replay!!!! I know how to do it but I just can't do it because i don't have the things i need! The event is long gone but you can still cheat To be precise, you need a ticket. A more efficient way to get Lugia/Ho-Oh would be to buy Pokemon Xd and Pokemon Colleseum. To get Lugia in XD you need to, in the final fight with Greevil, use the Snag Machine on Shadow Lugia. Then when you unlock all the chambers in the Purification room or something, you can purify Lugia. In Colloseum, you need to purify all Pokemon to get Ho-Oh You can get gba action replays from eBay for realy cheep i tried but i lost the bidding by 20p!!! ive never had Pokemon xd or colloseum so i don't no anythig about thoes games
You cant catch jirachi in Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald,LeafGreen, FireRed, Pearl or Diamond, without using cheats, or attending certain special events. HOWEVER You can still get jirachi into your game. First off you need a Nintendo Gamecube with Pokemon Colleseum and its LIMITED release bonus disc. (Try eBay if you don't have it) Once you have this you simply connect your gameboy and trade away. Its difficult, expenisive, and mostly pointless, HOWEVER you can do it -----> afrony!!~
you can't
There is no Pokemon colleseum in Pokemon fire red If you are talking about trainer tower it is the place where you select a Pokemon of your choice and battle trainers on every floor. You get a prize if you beat all the trainers
off of a Pokemon event or trade of Pokemon colleseum
By buying the Pokemon Colleseum Demo.
he is not in Colosseum but he is in xd ver.
You need to get the Pokemon Colleseum disk. Jirachi can be traded from Pokemon Channel.
its a game when you get to go to any region you want
Battle every trainer and Trade with Pokemon colleseum
You have to find UFO disk L
nope.... i don't think so
You must trade from FR/LG/E.