There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.
Stark mountain battle about 7 Pokemon then it will be level 73.
You can trade, battle, and have voice chats with your friends over Wifi in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, but to do so you need to know your friends' Friend Codes, and your friends need to know your Friend Code.
With both the Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl games, you will be able to battle. Using the Wii WiFi system, you will be able to share Friend Codes with your friends which will allow you to trade and battle with each other. This game is set in the land of Shinoh and will introduce two new rivals to battle as well as team Galactic. In these new games there will be lots of opportunity to battle with friends as well as characters from the game. Good luck in your future battles!
his level 47
Just train your Pokemon till they are all level 100 then battle your friends.
Either level all your Pokemon to level 100, explore and discover cool places, battle against friends and rivals, or start over.
Battle the elite 4 with the Pokemon you want to level up in your party (make sure the Pokemon has the exp.share equipped with it) therefore you can level your Pokemon up without putting it in battle Hope I helped.
Battle Frontier in one of the houses one on one of the islands you can battle the gym leaders with stronger pokemon.
There is no Battle Frontier in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Only the Battle Tower.
Stark mountain battle about 7 Pokemon then it will be level 73.
there is no battle frontier in Pokemon pearl,but there is a battle tower. you can go there after you beat the elite 4
You can bring any pokemon,but be careful,if your on a low level,you get beaten up sould be level 55 or 60,70 that will be ok. Good luck!
umm i guess, but can i use 6 level 100 arceus?
Go to the room with the TV at night to battle a level 20 rotom!
you have your battle mode set to "set"
You can battle your friends, catch all the Pokemon you have seen, trade with some people perhaps. Max out all of your Pokemon if you have time.