in Pokemon platnium you need to go to the servival area and then go in the top far left house then you can remach the gym leaders again.
You need 21 ultra balls to catch Heatran
you can get them in stark mountin (where you get heatran)
He is in one of those houses in the resort area
Once you catch Heatran you've finished the game, unless you are still to catch Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Mespirit, Azelf, Uxie or Cressilia. You can also fill in your Pokedex. Basically, the main storyline is complete.
Nothing, you just can't catch him.
You cannot catch Heatran in Pokémon SoulSilver, you will have to trade for it.
You need 21 ultra balls to catch Heatran
he went to his grandfathers house in the suvival area.the house is the house next to the Pokemon center.then you can get heatran.
No, you cannot get another Heatran once you have caught it.
stark mountan
No, it is not wild
you cant catch it in soulsilver. you have to trade it from diamond pearl or platinum.
No sorry u can't :( so save in front of heatran if ya wanna catch it
Yes, you can. At least, I could.