Once you catch Heatran you've finished the game, unless you are still to catch Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Mespirit, Azelf, Uxie or Cressilia. You can also fill in your Pokedex. Basically, the main storyline is complete.
Nothing evolves into heatran, heatran does not evolve!
What do you do after you battle heatran?
No, Heatran does NOT evolve.
aggron is weaker than heatran by a mile simply because heatran is a legendary Pokemon
You need 21 ultra balls to catch Heatran
Nothing evolves into heatran, heatran does not evolve!
What do you do after you battle heatran?
No, Heatran does NOT evolve.
no you can't get a heatran egg
No, Heatran is a trophy.
Yes you can. You can get Heatran on both Daimond and Pearl. Heatran is located at Stark Mountain. Heatran will be Lv. 70. Good Luck catching him!
you find heatran in starkmountain
Nothing evolves into Heatran nor does he evolve
aggron is weaker than heatran by a mile simply because heatran is a legendary Pokemon
You could trade something for a male Heatran. By the way, a female Heatran can't breed with a Ditto, probably because it's a legendary Pokemon.
Heatran is a Fire and Steel type pokemon.