

Best Answer

RI by the windmill VI between house

LI in ruins

RI loved pet will give you one

VI or other island by it . Get gift from friends

LinkI by bridges

There is some, look on Google for more

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Q: Where are the sunstones in harvest moon sunshine island?
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Where is them mine in Harvest Moon sunshine islands?

You must use eight Sunstones to raise Volcano Island. On that island is the entrance to the mine.

How do you get to link island in harvest moon sunshine island?

well first you have to unlock the Link Island. second you have to hire Gannon to make a bridge to Link Island. you need 3 sunstones to unlock the Link Island.

How do you find sun stones in harvest moon sunshine islands?

Go to the site posted to see how to get all the Sunstones.

Can you have babies in harvest moon sunshine islands?

You can have one child in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island. He/She will remain a toddler forever.

Who are the new characters on Harvest Moon sunshine island?

from harvest moon island of happiness the new characters are lily and will

What is the Harvest Moon Sunshine Island game ID?

The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055

Who is gannon from harvest moon cute?

There is no character named Gannon in Harvest Moon DS Cute. Gannon is a carpenter in the games Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness and Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island.

What crop is the growing fast in harvest moon sunshine island?


How do you get a horse in harvest moon sunshine island?

got to

Where is chen's store in Harvest Moon tot?

Chen is not in Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility. Chen is only a character in Island of Happiness and Sunshine Island.

In harvest moon sunshine islands how do you get the harvest goddess festival?

You have to have the church which in on the west side of the island.

What are the 2 color horses in harvest moon sunshine island?

gray and brown