You can have one child in Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island.
He/She will remain a toddler forever.
The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055
I think it is 2 seasons after marriage.
start a new game and choose to overwrite the information
Go to the site posted to see how to get all the Sunstones.
go to gannon and select house upgrade and the next day it will be done
No similar but different game, characters, concept.
The game ID code for Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands is YB3E-AEFCB055
You purchase them from Chen.
You have to have the church which in on the west side of the island.
harvest moon sunshine islands it's a really good game i love it !
Ebay would be your best bet
Place items in the shipment bins.
You can get a Dog, Cat, Horse, and Pig as pets in Sunshine Island.
No, you will not die in the Harvest Moon series nor is there a time limit.
I think it is 2 seasons after marriage.
noodles or buckwheat are easy